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GRADE 6 Transition to Algebra-Spring 25

  • Algebra Readiness-Building a strong foundation for success in algebra

In this algebra readiness series, sixth-grade students will cultivate a foundational understanding of algebraic concepts. They will learn to think abstractly, work with variables, comprehend functional reasoning, gain a comprehensive perspective on equations and inequalities, and take their first steps into the realm of mathematical proofs.

Chapter 1

Problem Solving -1 – General Problem-solving methods

Chapter 2

Problem Solving -2- General Problem solving methods

Chapter 3

Variable Algebraic Expressions 1- Variable concepts and writing algebraic expressions

Chapter 4

Variable Algebraic Expressions 2- Variable concepts and writing algebraic expressions

Chapter 5

Writing Algebraic Expression- Equations 1- Writing equations and solution steps

Chapter 6

Writing Algebraic Expression- Equations 2- Writing equations and solution steps

Chapter 7

Solving Equations – Equation solving methods

Chapter 8

Rational Numbers – Advanced fraction concepts

Chapter 9

Word Problems -1 – Engaging word problems and solution methods

Chapter 10

Word Problems -2 -Engaging word problems and solution methods

Chapter 11

Ratios & Proportions – Ratio proportion advanced problems

Chapter 12

Algebra Geometry Connection -1

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